Internal Medicine 11th Annual Employee Appreciation Day

For more than a decade now, the Department has extended its deepest gratitude every spring to the nearly 1,000 faculty, trainees, and staff who each contribute his or her best to its success. Nearly 450 of those members gathered in the MERF Atrium on Monday to celebrate another year of working together toward a common goal. The banners detailing each member’s years of continuous service was updated, organized by most to least. Many were surprised to see just how far up the list they had moved, evidence that the Department continues to grow, adding new members each month.

Near the end, Chair and DEO Dr. Dale Abel addressed the large crowd with a brief thanks and then moved from table to table to thank colleagues individually. A special thank-you was also offered to our Human Resources department and the many volunteers who made the midday gathering possible. They also helped organize the donation of the leftover food to a charitable organization afterward, making sure that nothing went to waste.

Thank you to all for attending, and to each remarkable member of this Department for everything that you do.

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