Miscellaneous and Common Errors in Writing

There are a few errors that I see consistently in the manuscripts and other projects I review. Sometimes an error gets reused so often that it’s not really clear what is and isn’t correct. This post covers a few of the more common errors that I see in the writing I review. The Apostrophe. I […]

The Personal Statement for Promotion Dossiers

Hopefully you found some helpful tips for updating your CV after the last few posts, whether for promotion or just for general updating. For those faculty currently working on promotion materials, let’s take a look at the personal statement. Peter Snyder, MD, associate dean for faculty affairs and development, advises that “the personal statement is the most […]

The CV: Annotated CVs for Promotion

This is the next part in a series of posts on editing, styling, and formatting curriculum vitae. A number of faculty are currently working on annotated CVs in preparation for promotion applications. Once your CV has been thoroughly updated and formatted, it’s much easier add annotations as required for your promotion dossier. Peter Snyder, MD, associate dean […]

The CV – Section IV: Service

This is the next part in a series of posts on editing, styling, and formatting curriculum vitae. This week, we’re covering the last section of the CCOM CV: Service. Next week, I’ll have some final thoughts and general tips for faculty CVs. Another CV sample is provided with some examples of each type of listing in this […]

The CV – Section III: Scholarship / Professional Productivity, Part 2

Next up, we’ll review subsections C through F under Section III, Scholarship and Professional Productivity. Section C seems to cause confusion. “Published Reviews of Scholarship” include reviews you have written on others’ works, usually books or book chapters, or even online works such as educational videos. See the sample CV section for an example. However, […]

The CV – Section II: Teaching

This is the next part in a series of posts on editing, styling, and formatting curriculum vitae. Section II: Teaching Next up in this CV series we’ll review the Teaching section, and I have provided a sample of Section II with different types of entries. The first subsection here (A) should include all teaching assignments, […]

The CV – Section I: Educational and Professional History

Section I: Educational and Professional History For this series on CVs, I’ll use the basic Carver College of Medicine template. Although this template is very helpful, it may not include everything needed, or it may include sections that don’t apply. At the least, it’s a helpful guide for where and how to note achievements on […]

The CV: Introduction

This post is the first in a short series about the CV — that necessary annoyance for any academic professional.  If you’re just getting started with a new CV, or are new to UI Health Care and need to get your current CV into a standard house format, the Carver College of Medicine offers a […]

Reference formatting, in-text citations

Back in February I posted about selecting and formatting references in a manuscript. Since then I have noticed some other general styling concerns that persist regardless of a particular journal’s instructions. Always cite a source at the first mention of a source, not at the end of several sentences reporting information from that source. If you refer to […]