Ohl Featured in VA Research News

Dr. Michael Ohl is an Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases and an investigator in the Center for Comprehensive Access and Delivery Research and Evaluation (CADRE) and the Veteran’s Rural Health Resource Center at the Iowa City Veterans Affairs Health Care System. His work has focused on quality improvement in rural health-care delivery and the implementation of digital health care solutions like telemedicine and other data management tools to create efficiencies and better patient outcomes.

The current patient population that Dr. Ohl is focused on are rural HIV-positive veterans. His years-long work with these patients and his study of a method intended to reduce their travel burdens are the subject of a substantive feature article in Research Currents, a VA-produced publication. We encourage you to read the article, particularly the implications for how these methods could be applied to similar populations. The VA continues to be an incredibly supportive proving ground for some of the most innovative discoveries. Congratulations to Dr. Ohl on his efforts and their recognition.

1 Response

  1. […] align with the goals of the ORH. For example, Dr. Michael Ohl, is supported in part by the ORH to provide HIV care via telemedicine to rural veterans. I encourage you to learn more about the opportunities to perform innovative outcomes-based […]

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